How Can I Help You ?
Hey There!

If you're looking for help with your 1-1 service business where you're helping your clients reach a certain goal (such as coaching, consulting, therapy or training etc), and you're looking to get more clients online - I'm here to help!

Hi, I'm Indu Nanayakkara - Social Media Marketing Consultant & Trainer. I have over 13 years of experience in social media and digital marketing, having been the head of digital marketing in two digital agencies for 8 years and working with individuals (solo-preneurs), business owners and small teams to startups to large enterprises both locally and globally. Also the one of the key digital marketing and Google technologies trainers of Google Business Group - Colombo and Women Will Sri Lanka for over a decade - I have a vast area of knowledge and experience to help you when it comes to both digital marketing and marketing automation. 

Although I'm certain that I can help you, you and I need to be a good fit for this to work. And I also need to understand exactly what you need help with.

So, please take two minutes of your time to fill out this form, which will allow me to help you in the best way possible.

First I need to know a few basic details about you, such as your name, email etc to know who you are and what sort of business you do. Then you can tell me all about your most pressing issue in your business in terms of getting clients online, so that I can help you.

Alright! Click the "Next" button below.

Let's do this :)

- Indu Nanayakkara

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